About the mMOET Course
The mMOET course provides a high-level structured approach to the recognition, resuscitation and treatment of medical emergencies and trauma in those with the altered physiology and anatomy of pregnancy. The physiological adjustments of pregnancy affect the responses of the mother to illness and injury, requiring resuscitation to be tailored to the pregnant patient.
The aims of the course include:
To provide the knowledge, practical skills and procedures necessary to save the mother and fetus in life-threatening circumstances.
To present a senior systematic approach of Primary Survey, Resuscitation, Secondary Survey and Definitive Care, enabling the clinician to give the best patient care in complex situations.
To review trauma and medical emergencies in the pregnant patient, including triage and transfer.
The required pre-course learning to deliver the knowledge components of the course involves reading the mMOET manual and completing the online education program, including a quiz. This prepares participants for the practical application of this knowledge during the face-to-face course.
A sample program for the three day face-to-face component that focuses on simulated scenarios and skills and group discussions may be found here.
There is continuous assessment during the course and a simulated scenario test on the final day. If you are successful, mMOET certification is valid for four years and includes access to our on-line learning materials.
It is recommended all candidates undertake the course again after four years to recertify.
mMOET course features:
Builds on existing skills and knowledge
No comparable course in Australia
More advanced than the ALSO course
Compliments PROMPT and ALSO courses
The course runs with a mix of medical professionals:
4-8 Anaesthetists/ Emergency Physicians/ Intensivists
8-12 Obstetricians
4 Midwife Observers
Course Cost
Candidate Fee: $3500
Observer: $850
*Cost in AUD if course held in Australia and NZD if course held in New Zealand
Course Availability
Each year mMOET holds approximately two to three courses across Australia and New Zealand, each of which has sixteen candidates and up to four observers.
We run a Generic Instructor Course (GIC) every few years, depending on demand. It is also possible to attend a GIC course in the United Kingdom.
Course Cost
GIC Fee: $2500
Expression of Interest
Courses book out fast, so don't leave it too late! Apply for an Expression of Interest Now!
Professionals need to register their expression of interest to be accepted for the mMOET Course.