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Course Terms and Conditions

Places on the MOET course are generally allocated on a ‘first come first served' basis, however, the number of anaesthetic places is limited.


Are You Eligible?

  • Must be from medical background (either obstetrics, GP obstetrics, anaesthetics, GP anaesthetics, emergency medicine or intensive care)

  • Aimed at Specialist level

  • Senior Registrars in obstetrics and gynaecology/ anaesthetics (with year 5 or above and passed RANZCOG/ANZA membership examination)

  • For General practitioners - RACGP or equivalent and be regularly involved in the provision of GP obstetrics and/or GP anaesthetic services


Are You Committed?

The course is 2.5 days in length; please refer to the program for timings. 

Prior to the course a significant amount of preparation is required. You need to read the 4th edition manual in full (400 pages) and complete the online Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) that takes approximately seven hours. The manual will be mailed and access to the VLE arranged when your registration form is returned and payment is made in full. 

100% attendance and satisfactory completion of in-course continuous assessments is required, otherwise, you are not eligible to pass the course. You cannot be on call and must not have your mobile phone on during the course.



The course fee is A$3,500.00, that includes all course material and daytime catering. The course runs on tight operating margins, so the fee is non-refundable once you have paid within 8 weeks of the course commencing, regardless of your circumstances. All cancellations must be made in writing to

If you withdraw more than 8 weeks prior to the course commencing a minimum of 10% of the course fee will be retained to cover administrative expenses.

If you do not attend the course or compete the course no refunds will be provided.


Are You Ready to Apply and to Pay?

If you wish to proceed with an on-line application you will need to proceed to full payment at the same time.

Places will only be reserved once full payment has been received and processed. Please do not make leave or travel arrangements until your place has been confirmed.


COVID course requirements

COVID-19 positive

If you have tested positive to COVID-19 you will not be able to attend mMOET until you are asymptomatic and on day seven from your positive test date. The day you received a positive result is Day 0.


COVID-19 close contacts

If you are a covid close contact (defined as having spent four hours with a covid positive person) you may attend mMOET each day providing you notify the course director, are asymptomatic, have a negative RAT test, wear an N95 mask at all times and eat and drink in an outside area completely separate to other people.


COVID-19 like symptoms

If you have symptoms of COVID-19 on a day of the course, we ask that you perform a RAT test. If you have a negative RAT test, mild symptoms, have not had a fever for 24 hours and are not a close contact you may be able to attend subject to a discussion with the Course Director. You will need to wear an N95 mask at all times during the course and must eat separately to other candidates. 



It is highly recommended that you bring a supply of N95 masks with you in case you need to wear one during the course, as we appreciate some fit and feel better than others and this is very individualised.

If you are not a close contact and are asymptomatic and would like to wear an N95 mask or a surgical mask for your own protection and the protection of others this is encouraged. Please bring masks with you as we appreciate some fit and feel better than others and this is very individualised.

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